Thursday, March 30, 2017

Work Placement Update!

Hey all!!

Work placement is fast approaching! I can't believe how fast the time has flown by. I just thought I would update everyone on my work placement situation. I have been applying to full-time jobs for the last little while, and I had gotten a call to go in for an interview at SmithValeriote LLP in Guelph. I had originally applied for a Personal Injury Legal Assistant position that they had available, but when I got to the interview they told me that I unfortunately did not have the experience for that role, but did have a couple other job openings that would be more suitable for me. The hiring manager explained both positions to me. One was in Family Law and the other in Real Estate. She then proceeded to interview me, asking me questions about my organizational skills, past job experience, and things about school. I thought the interview went very well. She then gave me the night to pick which department I would be most interested in. After much thought I chose Real Estate. I chose this area because I felt that maybe working in Family Law would become depressing. I ended up going back in for a second interview to meet with one of the clerks that works in the Real Estate department and after that they took my references and a few days later I got a call with the job offer!!

As part of my job offer they asked that, even though I already have a placement, I complete my placement with them. I told my current employer and job placement, Giffen, and they were very happy for me.

I am looking forward to this new chapter in my life, but I am still so nervous! Ahhhh...

1 comment:

  1. Good job in pursuing this opportunity Jenny. I look forward to reading about your placement next month.
